
Showing posts from 2014

A Checklist for Booking a Limousine Service!

When you plan to hire a  limousine in Vancouver  for a special occasion, you should make sure that the services for which you are paying are worth your money. Even if you are planning to go for a long trip with friends in a limousine, you have to ensure everything is up to par before paying the charges. Although there is no comprehensive checklist to hire  limo Vancouver  service, you should consider the following points.

16 Things to Let Go to Live a Truly Happy Life

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ~Jim Rohn Sometimes I feel like I’ve spent the better part of my life chasing after happiness. It always seemed like happiness stayed just a tad bit out of my grasp—somewhere in the future that I could always see, but not quite touch. For instance, when I was a kid, I believed I’d be happy if I got an admission into a good college. In college, I believed that I’d be happy if I got a good job. When I got a job, I believed that I’d be happy if I got a promotion and a raise. And on and on it went. Every time I reached a goal, it seemed like the next goal was where true happiness lay. Sadly, this affected my personal life as well. I thought, “When I find a great guy, I’ll be happy. Wait, to be truly happy, we need to first get married. Being married is great, but we need to have kids to find real joy. Gosh, our baby needs to grow up a little so we can really enjoy being w

Daily Life And Social Customs

                                  Credits: Britannica Throughout Pakistan, as in most agrarian societies, family organization is strongly patriarchal, and most people live with large extended families, often in the same house or family compound. The eldest male, whether he is the father, grandfather, or paternal uncle, is the family leader and makes all significant decisions regarding the family and its members. Traditionally, a  woman’s  place in society has been secondary to that of men, and she has been restricted to the performance of domestic chores and to fulfilling the role of a dutiful wife and mother. However, in the  Punjab , cotton picking is exclusively a woman’s job, and women may keep the money thus earned for their own purposes. In wealthy peasant and landowner households and in urban middle-class families, the practice of keeping women in seclusion ( purdah ) is still common; on the rare occasions on which women set foot outside their houses, they must be veile

Life in England: Ten rants and ten raves

                               10 things I dislike about living in England:   1. Everything is very expensive!  2. Surveillance society (Big Brother Britain): CCTV (Britain is the most watched nation in the world!) - ID cards/databases; and a plan to monitor the e-mail, telephone and internet browsing records of every person in Britain.  3. Anti-social behavior (hoodies, yobs).  4. Small houses - no built-in closets and most have no basements. Also, even detached houses are built very close together. If you're lucky, your house might have a utility room for the washing machine and dryer. Most houses don't though so the washing machine is in the kitchen. 5. Congested roads, parking on pavement (sidewalk).  6. Awful customer service.  7. Pervasive drinking culture ("Binge Britain").  8. Litter - everywhere.  9. Separate hot and cold water taps. This drives me crazy.  10. TV licence - I resent this  compulsory , annual tax to support the BBC esp

Lacombe ranked in Top 20 Places to Live in Canada

    For the second year in a row, Lacombe has made it to the list of top 20 places to live in Canada. We have been ranked as the 17th best place to live overall, and the fourth best small community in which to live in Canada by MoneySense, Canada’s leading personal finance magazine and personal finance website.  MoneySense surveyed 201 communities across Canada, looking to identify the best places to live in the country based on affordability, access to medical care, low crime, good public transportation, and nice weather. In total 34 different factors are considered in evaluating the top places to live in Canada. “This year marks the second year in a row that Lacombe has been in the top 25 places to live,” said Mayor Steve Christie. “While we try not to read too much into statistics, one thing is clear; Lacombe is a well-balanced and safe community with strengths in multiple areas.” Alberta’s newest city, Lacombe is maintaining steady growth, thanks in part to a

The New New World

Americans visiting Dubai know how 19th-century Europeans must have felt when they saw the United States.                     DUBAI—Foreign travelers visiting New York or Chicago in the 19 th  century often came away with mixed impressions. Some found American cities ugly by comparison to their European counterparts: They seemed vulgar, blatantly commercial, lacking in taste. The natives had higher living standards, but they were crude, and the ethnic mix—German, Irish, Italian, Jewish—was terrifying.

Bill gates personal life

                        Bill Gates married Melinda French of Dallas, Texas on January 1, 1994. Melinda has given birth to three children, Jennifer Katharine Gates (1996), Rory John Gates (1999) and Phoebe Adele Gates (2002). Bill Gates' house is one of the most expensive houses in the world, and is a modern 21st century earth-sheltered home in the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington. According to King County public records, as of 2006, the total assessed value of the property (land and house) is $125 million, and the annual property tax is just under $1 million. Also among Gates's private acquisitions are the Codex Leicester, a collection of writings by Leonardo da Vinci which Gates bought for $30.8 million at an auction in 1994, and a rare Gutenberg Bible.

History of Microsoft

                                                    The History Of Microsoft Microsoft was formed by a Harvard College Dropout called Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born William Henry Gates III on October 28, 1955. He was born to a family that was successful in business, living a comfortable upper middle class life in Seattle, Washington. Early in his elementary school days, Bill Gates quickly shot to the head of the class, consistently outscoring his peers in most subjects, but especially math and science. His parents soon enrolled him in Lakeside Prep School, where the atmosphere was intellectual enough to stimulate the young Gates. This move to Lakeside would prove historic, for it was here, in the spring of 1968, that he was introduced to computers.

Bill Gates Achievements

                  1. Inspiring the era of the home computer During the late 1960s, Bill Gates and his school friend Paul Allen learnt the BASIC programming language whilst studying at Lakeside School in Seattle. BASIC's popularity stemmed from the fact that it was simple to use for beginners, but had functionality that could be stretched by advanced coders. While BASIC was designed in 1963, it wasn't until Gates and Allen produced a version for the Altair 8800 that it really started to fly. In 1975, the two sold the code to MITS for $3,000. BASIC sparked the home computing boom of the 1980s, appearing on the IBM PC, Commodore VIC-20, BBC Micro and the Apple II (to name but a few). 2. Commercialising the operating system Gates and Allen founded Microsoft in 1976. In 1980, the company inked a landmark deal with IBM to produce an operating system for its up-and-coming personal computer (PC). Microsoft bought 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Pr

America's Top 25 Towns To Live Well

               Entrepreneur Joshua Onysko, owner of Pangaea Organics, has two regions to thank for his success. Rhode Island-born Onysko, 31, learned the agriculture and natural products business during volunteering trips to Nicaragua and India during his 20s. And when Onysko launched his skin-care line in 2005, he set up shop in Boulder, Colo., despite time spent on the East Coast and in Jackson Hole, Wyo. It was both a personal and business decision. Boulder offers world-class ski slopes and an abundance of parks, as well as a strong venture capital environment, plenty of like-sized start-ups and high-quality talent from local resident University of Colorado.

10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Business

                             Having started 9 successful small business during my 11 year business career I am routinely asked, "How did you make the jump into self-employment?" and "What are the most important things you need to do before you start a business?" These questions are then usually followed up by a barrage of questions about the minutia that goes into small business ownership and development. Questions such as, "Where do I get a Tax I.D. number?" or "How do I get capital?" or "How do I register my website?" are often asked. Although these minutia-focused questions do have some validity and some credence to them, the real important stuff that every entrepreneur needs to know is more general. The important information that an entrepreneur needs to know is the winning-mindset stuff. The stuff that determines whether an entrepreneur succeeds or not is not in the minutia. I can teach a moron how to get a Tax I.D. numbe

Guide to Cooking Fat Burn

                                     Just follow a few easy steps without sacrificing the pleasures of the table. After all, diet is not synonymous with fasting, but of patience, determination and lots of little tricks to survive the immediate hunger, all without sacrificing the taste of good food. The number one rule is to give priority to eat light and healthy. The condiments are the  archenemies  of the diets, eliminate the butter, mayonnaise and excessive amounts of oil. This does not mean that you have to eat tasteless, you will only need to replace certain condiments with other much lighter and healthier.

HCG Diet Recipes for your appetite

A number of methods are available to reduce the weight in the world today. One of the key methods of reducing weight is the HCG diet. The protocol reduces strategically diet calorie intake by a person overweight or obese. The diet regime allows the intake of only 500 calories a day. As the body needs more calories, the HCG hormone is injected in measured doses. This stimulates the combustion of all the excess fat accumulated in the body, which reduces the corpodi weight. When a woman becomes pregnant, the placenta produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG, as it is commonly known. During the period of pregnancy, the hormone controls the metabolic functions of the mother. The hormone protects the baby by providing the necessary nutrients and calories from the mother's body fat accumulation. And 'this unique property hormone that prompted Dr. Albert Simeons, to do an analysis and develop the HCG Diet plan. The HCGormone acts as a dietary supplem

5 Foods To Help You Feel Fuller for longer

                               Filling Foods:  Has your stomach ever growled in anticipation of lunch, even though you just ate breakfast? At some point, we've all fallen victim to an unexplained raging appetite, which can lead to eating snacks that are high in calories, sugar and fat, and most of all, weight gain. It sounds contradictory, but eating can actually suppress your appetite - as long as you choose the right foods. Try one of these foods as a filling snack to keep you feeling fuller for longer and the 'fridge monster' at bay. Water. We can mistake thirst for hunger. It is essential to drink between 1.5L and 3L each day depending on the size of person, how active you are and the climate. Ensure you have water to hand no matter where you are - in your car, at your desk, always carry a bottle with you. Many fruits and vegetables are high in water content, which provided volume and weight but not calories and are handy to keep you hydrated and f

Healthy Eating 5 Times Every Day

                          those of you concerned about losing weight, improving your daily healthy eating habits are key points that need to be developed and consistently maintained. Instead of cramming three large meals into your body every day which will often be an excess, when planned accordingly you should be eating at five different times throughout the day. By providing your body with five different opportunities to take in food, you prevent yourself from going into hunger mode where you start craving anything and everything. It is typically in these situations when the unhealthy stuff makes their way into the body and at amounts that are quite abundant.

Mark Zuckerberg Jewish

       Zuckerberg's mother is a psychiatrist, and his father is a dentist. Zuckerberg has three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle. Randi worked at Facebook during the early years. She is now married to Brent Tworetzky and the vcouple has a son, Asher. Mark Zuckerberg is a Jew. The Facebook founder was born to Karen and Edward Zuckerberg in 1984.                      Zuckerberg and his sisters were raised Jewish in Dobbs Ferry, New York and they attended Temple Beth Abraham, a Reform temple in Tarrytown, New York. Mark Zuckerberg celebrated his bar mitzvah at Temple Beth Abraham, which Rabbi David Holtz recalls had a "Star Wars" theme at the bar mitzvah party.

Icy Family Feud Ends In Court

I'll post about seeing the social worker as soon as I can get my head around the meeting we had - hopefully tomorrow or the day after. Today, a vision of my future, if my children had their way.  MOTHER LOSES COURT HEARIN AS CHILDREN REFUSE TO 'LET IT GO' A Berkshire mother of two was today sentenced after losing a landmark hearing regarding her children's access to the film  Frozen.                              After sentencing, a  tearful Mrs Chapman told the waiting media, "This has all been a terrible misunderstanding. I didn't realise that it was actually The Law that children had to be allowed to watch  Frozen  at least once per day. Now that I know this, my behaviour will change. I'm going to go home and put this right."

Spin-a-Kid Song Review

                                                        Welcome to                where "Saturday is a special day, it's a day we get ready for Sunday!" In our church everyone has a "calling" to which they are assigned.  We are set these jobs based on inspiration and need.  My husband and I have both been primary teachers since we moved here.   Usually married couples teach together, but they needed teachers so we separately classes between 4-6 and 8-11 year olds.  When we heard the military was possibly moving us they decided to release one of us so that when we did move they would only need to find one new teacher instead of two.                               So, the ended up releasing me.  Sad day, cause I LOVED my calls.  That and my new calling is going to be a challenging.  You see, our Primary Chorister's husband has moved away for about 6 months trying out a new job.  She stayed here with the kiddos in case it doesn't work ou

World Down Syndrome Day

Today is 3-21, a day recognized for celebrating individuals with three copies of the 21st chromosome. On World Down Syndrome Awareness Day, we launch our virtual balloons (they’re yellow), have a cyber pow-wow with friends across the world who celebrate with us, and whisper our bit of gratitude for our daughter, the friends we’ve made in this community and the humble recognition that the introduction of Down syndrome into our lives has become an invitation. The world is rich with so many different kinds of people and millions of stories. The more of these people we meet, the more differences we encounter, the more stories we hear and truly listen to...the more we discover the meaning of life and find our own place amid this very big world that needs our voice, our heart and our hands. Happy World Down Syndrome Awareness Day.                       I became friends with a woman a few months after Nella was born when her husband reached out to me after their own son was born wi

Big You

Hi there!  It sure feels good to be writing a blog post again. I hate when I can't find the time to create or post.  It's getting close to a very busy time in the floral department with Easter and Mother's Day both coming up soon. I've been ordering up a storm for the store - lots of pretty pastel colors. It's my favorite time of year at work but a crazy time too, so I won't be around as much as usual for awhile. I will definitely be trying to squeeze in some play time here and there though, otherwise I'll go crazy. I know you can all relate to that! I do have a couple of cards to share with you using the Big You Die from Simon Says Stamp. I love this die! My first card is a colorful one, created with Gelatos.                                           After the Background was dry, I added some black and white splatters. The Big You was cut twice to create a shadow effect. I did the same thing with the little punched hearts. The r

Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?

                             Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?, Anyone can feel anxious. Anything can cause anxiety when the affected person is emotionally unstable. Human being in the twenty first century faces multidimensional challenges, internally as well as externally. Insecurity towards identity, extreme disappointments and frustrations are only a couple of internal factors. In addition to that, dynamic at work that for some people become a drive to live, for some others can suppress security feeling and causing anxiety disorder, a condition where disrupt a person’s normal life and causing extreme stresses or frustrations. Different than general anxiety, if a person experiences disorder, it indicates mental illness that needs professional intervention as soon as possible. Anxiety symptoms can be observed physically and psychologically but normally, the most obvious signs are including irrational fear and feeling worried constantly in very intense wa

2014...Here We Go!

It's a new year, and some exciting changes and challenges are lined up for 2014.                               First, I've largely abandoned blogging, for the world of Facebook. Although I love facebook for may aspects, there isn't much depth to be found there.  So, in an effort to go a little deeper, I'm going to return some of my attention to keeping a blog.

Prepping for the Half

Did I mention that I'm training for my first half marathon? This is exciting for me, so you'll have to deal with my obsession for the next couple of months. In the past, I've never managed to run more than 5 miles for my long runs, without injury. I am now up to 8 miles. That extra 3 doesn't sound like a lot, but my feet and knees tell me otherwise. This past fall, I ran my first official 10K. Completing the race gave me the confidence to sign up for the Half.                      This is after my first official 10k! I ran my second official one this past weekend, and shaved about 5 miles off my time. That's almost 1 minute per mile faster, which makes me pretty happy. I have some great running buddies for my long runs, and they make the miles fly by. It's my first time that I've tried running with other women. I'm surprised how much I enjoy the company.