Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?


Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?, Anyone can feel anxious. Anything can cause anxiety when the affected person is emotionally unstable. Human being in the twenty first century faces multidimensional challenges, internally as well as externally. Insecurity towards identity, extreme disappointments and frustrations are only a couple of internal factors. In addition to that, dynamic at work that for some people become a drive to live, for some others can suppress security feeling and causing anxiety disorder, a condition where disrupt a person’s normal life and causing extreme stresses or frustrations. Different than general anxiety, if a person experiences disorder, it indicates mental illness that needs professional intervention as soon as possible. Anxiety symptoms can be observed physically and psychologically but normally, the most obvious signs are including irrational fear and feeling worried constantly in very intense ways. The variations of this psychological illness are ranging from panicking, post trauma, social anxiety disorders and also phobias.

General Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
Commonly, situations that trigger a person to be anxious are conditions where emotional pressure occurs and make the affected individual feel restless, uncomfortable and worried. In positive cases, these emotions can be directed to increase one’s awareness to reach anything they aim to get, for instance, passing a selection, winning a competition, going through a job interview or delivering a speech in public. However, when anxiety symptoms have taken over common sense, and changing one’s personality or disrupting life, this is a condition where serious treatments and helps are needed.

Below are general signs of anxiety disorder:

having nightmares and flashbacks of unpleasant, traumatic experiences from the past
feeling weary, restless, afraid and most of the time uncontrollable
showing repeated behaviors that are not normal such as wiping, washing hands over and over, nails biting, etc.
sleeping disorder, tensed muscles and difficulties in breathing
cold feet and/ or hands and sometimes sweaty
feeling nausea and dizzy, dry in the mouth

Anxiety Disorder from Within
Looking closer at the types of anxiety disorders, variations in anxiety symptoms can also be recognized and well observed. The first group of the problems are mainly triggered by internal factor or coming from within. Panic disorder falls into this category since it comprises some signs like feeling terrorized over time without any warnings. Different than ‘normal’ panicking, the physical signs experienced are more intense and extreme. Irregularity of heartbeats, choked and pain in the chest are also following sweats. Another condition is obsessive-compulsory disorder that attacks people with continuous image of uncontrolled fears. The obsession can start from cleanliness obsession to perfection obsession.

Anxiety Disorder Due To External Factors
Anxiety symptoms that occur due to external factors are having more varieties compared to the previous group. After a person experienced traumatic conditions like being attacked, harassed, abused, death of spouses or loved ones, accidents, natural disasters and assaults. These memories will tend to last and in certain cases causing emotional numbness. This is called stress of post traumatic disorder. In addition to that condition, social anxiety disorder, reveals a condition where an affected person suffers from phobia of his/ her social life. It causes extreme self-consciousness about daily routines. Simple things can turn to be huge problems, for instance the feeling of extreme uneasiness in becoming object of criticism, bullying and ridicule. A specific phobia is referring to extreme fear of objects, activities or situations. 


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