
Showing posts from February, 2014

Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?

                             Anxiety Disorder: What Are The Symptoms and Variations?, Anyone can feel anxious. Anything can cause anxiety when the affected person is emotionally unstable. Human being in the twenty first century faces multidimensional challenges, internally as well as externally. Insecurity towards identity, extreme disappointments and frustrations are only a couple of internal factors. In addition to that, dynamic at work that for some people become a drive to live, for some others can suppress security feeling and causing anxiety disorder, a condition where disrupt a person’s normal life and causing extreme stresses or frustrations. Different than general anxiety, if a person experiences disorder, it indicates mental illness that needs professional intervention as soon as possible. Anxiety symptoms can be observed physically and psychologically but normally, the most obvious signs are including irrational fear and feeling worried constantly in very intense wa

2014...Here We Go!

It's a new year, and some exciting changes and challenges are lined up for 2014.                               First, I've largely abandoned blogging, for the world of Facebook. Although I love facebook for may aspects, there isn't much depth to be found there.  So, in an effort to go a little deeper, I'm going to return some of my attention to keeping a blog.

Prepping for the Half

Did I mention that I'm training for my first half marathon? This is exciting for me, so you'll have to deal with my obsession for the next couple of months. In the past, I've never managed to run more than 5 miles for my long runs, without injury. I am now up to 8 miles. That extra 3 doesn't sound like a lot, but my feet and knees tell me otherwise. This past fall, I ran my first official 10K. Completing the race gave me the confidence to sign up for the Half.                      This is after my first official 10k! I ran my second official one this past weekend, and shaved about 5 miles off my time. That's almost 1 minute per mile faster, which makes me pretty happy. I have some great running buddies for my long runs, and they make the miles fly by. It's my first time that I've tried running with other women. I'm surprised how much I enjoy the company.

While the rich man enjoyed his wealth…

          I. Summary In Luke 16: 19-31, Jesus tells a story of a rich man who “clothed himself in purple and fine linen and…made merry in splendour every day” (vs. 19). At his gate was a poor man called Lazarus who was covered with sores (vs. 20). While the rich man enjoyed his wealth, the poor man was overlooked and spent his last days longing for the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table.

40 Ways to Live Life Without Regret

“The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” ~ Unknown We all have something stored in our memory banks of the past that we wish we could have done differently, or something we wish we didn’t do.